Business sector: SFS
Expertise: Consulting - Technology
Client: Large specialised leasing company
Countries: France
Year: 2019
The context & issues
As part of the migration of a large cooperative’s information system to a mutualist group’s system transferring leasing activities to the larger group's specialised subsidiary. The outstanding amounts from real estate leasing agreements were being purchased to be transferred as part of the project and finally managed by another entity from the specialised subsidiary’s system. Our aim was to help scope the project and ensure its subsequent implementation (merger of entities, implementation of the IS for new production, takeover of contract portfolios).

The project
- Scoping (3 months):
- Definition of the project scope, including assessment of the portfolios to be migrated
- Gap Analysis of products, processes and main information system functions
- Definition of the roadmap for the Programme with several stable conditions (transfer of activities outside the scope, legal merger with production of consolidated accounts, new “new production” information system, recovery of outstanding amounts)
- Definition of the functional and application architecture
- Identification of gaps, trade-offs and definition of circumvention
- Definition of test strategies, migration and switchover
- Identification of the Programme’s impact on processes and users
- Definition of the project plan: Recovery methodology, organisation, planning, governance, …
- Costing and team sizing
- Validation in Major Projects Committee
- Implementation (9 months):
- Steering support
- Processing of business and application gaps
- Definition of target processes
- Writing specifications for gaps, migration and integration
- Identification of impacts on processes and users
- Management of data cleansing work
- Migration of repository data, contracts, payments, outstanding payments
- Switchover and user support for the first 6 weeks
- Implementation of the 2 migration projects within the planned deadlines as part of the scoping and project phases on a fixed price basis.
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