a changing industry
Teamwill helps banks differentiate themselves.
With its experience in credit products, processes and software packages, Teamwill supports major banks’ credit departments to:
- Launch new credit products, optimise or automate processes, implement digital services for clients.
- Implement strategic partnerships (producer/distributor model, Business Process Outsourcing, etc.)
- Defining their IS strategy, define their architecture, choose software solutions, define implementation paths.
- Replace their distribution, risk, management, debt collection or litigation systems and international deployment methods.
- Handling accounting (accounting schemes, IFRS 9, etc.) and the regulatory (RUBA, FINREP, COREP, ANACREDIT, etc.) impacts of credit products.
For more than 15 years, we have developed expertise in corporate and retail credit products and built partnerships with our clients and the leading solution providers in the market.
In a constantly changing world, your processes, organisation and IT tools are key to your competitiveness, ability to respond quickly and client proximity.
We have developed relationships and partnerships with the main providers of credit solutions (Cassiopae, Ekip, Alfa, Sopra, Miles) and Core Banking (Amplitude, Sab, Temenos).
We can help you hone your potential through a range of expertise:
- Strategy
- Organisation & processes
- Digital projects and project management support
- Change management
Our expertise
They trust us
Sharing success, together
Use cases
Success stories
Framework and implementation of a Credit BPO Missions Scoping stage (6 months): Definition of the detailed characteristics ...
Success stories
Missions Develop a multi-platform application (Web/Android/IOS), which manages several financial products and allows salespeople to create commercial proposals ...